A limerick a week #173

A receding heir line

As I’m not a great fan of the British monarchy, I usually try to avoid ‘royal’ news. Indeed, when William married Kate (one of the so-called Wisteria sisters, christened thus due to their adeptness at social climbing), Firstborn and I managed to avoid the whole televisual shebang by hiding deep below ground in a cave in the Yorkshire Dales.

(We had also hoped to avoid his brother’s matrimonials a few years later by zip-lining through the old  slate mines in North Wales, but, sadly, our plans were scuppered.)

Lydia Leith’s screen printed ‘royal wedding’ sick bags, a pair of which adorned my office in my working days. 

However, I found it impossible to avoid yesterday’s news headlines in which Harry and Meghan proclaimed to the world that they are leaving ‘The Firm’.

Will it solve their problems with regard to media intrusion into their lives? I doubt it!

Do I care? Not really!

Does it merit a limerick? Oh, go on then…

An actress once failed to foresee
An imperial calamity
‘Cos when Meghan met Harry
She thought she could marry
A Prince and then live royalty-free!

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😎 Former scientist, now graduated to a life of leisure; Family man (which may surprise the family - it certainly surprises him); Likes cycling and old-fashioned B&W film photography; Dislikes greasy-pole-climbing 'yes men'; Thinks Afterlife (previously known as Thea Gilmore) should be much better known than she is; Values decency over achievement.

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