A limerick a week #55

Offaly good caramel …

We’re back from our Irish travels and we have since heard that Management’s welcoming relatives, with whom we stayed for a couple of days, had later won an award at Blas na hÉireann (the Irish Food Awards) for their Dulce de Leche product. So, well done Clara Fields on your Chef’s Choice award (and my apologies for the clichéd ending to the limerick that it inspired)!

Here goes:

When your taste buds demand you procure
A gustatory affaire d’amour
Then please let me fetch ya
Some Dulce de Leche
From Clara … To be sure, to be sure!

(and the limerick’s anapestically correct too – woohoo!)

Postscript: One longstanding ambition of mine had been to visit Achill Island in the northwest of the Irish mainland, and Keem Bay in particular where an historic basking shark fishery once took place. It was well worth visiting anyway, but made all the more so by my former professional interest in fisheries for the sharks.

Looking down on Keem Bay, Achill Island, co. Mayo.
The shoreline at Keem Bay

and some other assorted views elsewhere on our tour …

Ballymastocker Bay, Portsalon, co. Donegal – once voted the second most beautiful beach in the world by readers of the Observer Magazine!
The Glencar waterfall in Yates’ Country, co. Leitrim.
The southern flank of Benbulben, co. Sligo.
… and finally, The Giant’s Causeway, co. Antrim, best seen late in the day when most of the crowds have gone and the sun is low in the sky.

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😎 Former scientist, now graduated to a life of leisure; Family man (which may surprise the family - it certainly surprises him); Likes cycling and old-fashioned B&W film photography; Dislikes greasy-pole-climbing 'yes men'; Thinks Afterlife (previously known as Thea Gilmore) should be much better known than she is; Values decency over achievement.

2 thoughts on “A limerick a week #55”

  1. Hi Phil, you are so funny. That’s brilliant. I love it. You photo shots are superb. Glad you and Joanna had a lovely time. Regards Teresa

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