What a Carry On, Demelza…
Things have been rather quiet on the Poldark and Demelza front for a little while. Until now, that is. For what has become very much a two-lead show, Eleanor Tomlinson, who plays Demelza, has expressed the very reasonable wish to be paid the same as Aidan Turner who plays the scything six-pack that is Ross.
It was fair, she said, that Turner got paid more at the start because he was the big-name draw, but now, after three series, she felt she had earned parity. I agree and not just because I’m biased as a time-served member of Team Demelza (see posts passim)!
How about this headline for starters?
The production company argues otherwise as Ross has more screen-time than Demelza. That sounds like a post hoc, poorly made up excuse to me. They might as well have said Turner gets paid more because Ross has more extra-marital couplings than Demelza. ‘Tis utter b******s, and neither I nor the rest of Team Demelza watch the show because of Aidan Turner’s cumulative-time-on screen (or out-of-wedlock trysts)! ‘Fair pay for Eleanor’ I say (or, as the late-lamented Sid James would have said: “Demelza’s not getting enough!”).
Which reminds me, it’s limerick time again:
While Poldark is strutting his stuff
Like a diamond that’s cut from the rough,
It seems really unfair
To get more than his share
While Demelza gets barely enough!

Ross: You may not realise it, but I was once a weak man.
Demelza: Oh, don’t worry. Once a week’s enough for any man!