A limerick a week #122

“En politique, une absurdité n’est pas un obstacle”

A couple of weeks ago it was the former UK Chancellor, George Osborne, that had me suspending both belief and disbelief. This week it is the turn of the UK’s Prime Minister to promote incredulity.

Having studiously ignored all the signs that her ‘deal’ with Europe on the UK’s hair-shirted and self-flagellating attempt to leave the EU was not only doomed to failure, but would end in unalloyed humiliation, she diligently continued her journey to a self-induced political disaster.

Even the Downing Street cat saw it coming…

The UK Parliament has inflicted upon her one of the greatest defeats a British Prime Minister has ever endured, but there is no thought of her resigning. Quelle surprise! Instead she wants to explore Plan B despite weeks of her proselytising that there could be no Plan B.

No reprisals!

The honorable thing to do would be to resign, “but” say her apologists “these are not ordinary days”. Instead we are saddled with a Prime Minister that has tasked herself to resolve a problem created by her own appalling lack of judgement when, clearly, she is a part of the problem and not the solution; regrettably, the same can be said of the Leader of the Opposition!

So what price honour in politics, these days? No doubt Theresa May’s supporters would claim Charlie Chaplin’s litany on her behalf, that “Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself”, but I prefer Bonaparte’s bon mots (in English this time) that “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap”.

A Prime Minister once tried to promote
A deal that she knew wouldn’t float.
The fruit of her gambles? 
Complete omni-shambles.
No surprise she got trounced in the vote!


As reported in The Scotsman, Theresa May stood  for election in 2005 “under a Conservative manifesto promising a second referendum to decide whether to overturn the 1997 result [of the Welsh referendum on its devolved government]” yet she denies the UK public a People’s Vote on whether to reaffirm or abandon Brexit now that the public is better informed.

In the same article, she is also reported as having “voted for a ‘wrecking’ amendment to the 1998 Scotland Act that would have struck down legislation creating the Scottish Parliament”; legislation that was enacted as a result of the devolution referendum. A contrary stance on the people’s voice to the one that she advocates now.

… just saying!

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😎 Former scientist, now graduated to a life of leisure; Family man (which may surprise the family - it certainly surprises him); Likes cycling and old-fashioned B&W film photography; Dislikes greasy-pole-climbing 'yes men'; Thinks Afterlife (previously known as Thea Gilmore) should be much better known than she is; Values decency over achievement.

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