Making an exhibition of myself …
Coming to you earlier in the week than normal, but as this week’s limerick is about the current Gray’s School of Art short-course student exhibition then it seems about right …
I’ve got some B&W film photographs in the exhibition, including one of Firstborn and me, hence:
A reminder that no-one’s prohibited!
So turn up and don’t feel inhibited
From viewing the show
‘Cos now you all know
That ‘Firstborn and me’ are exhibited!

The exhibition runs from Monday 13 March to Tuesday 21 March with the following opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am – 10pm
Saturday: 9am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 3pm
and encompasses Portfolio, Drawing, Printmaking, Painting, Photography, Jewellery, Ceramics, Fashion, Printed Textiles, Kilt Making and 3d Design Make.
It’s really not bad at all for a bunch of enthusiasts!