Quotes that made me laugh #17

A former captain of the Australian rugby union team, John Eales, was nicknamed ‘Nobody‘ by his international team-mates in recognition of his excellence and consistency. It was a play on words insofar as: “Nobody’s perfect“.

Eales was, but I have to confess that occasionally (and despite my best endeavours) I’m not perfect (no, seriously!). And sometimes that is even made clear to me by my nearest and dearest 😉

It’s at those times that I take solace in the words of Tim Dowling, Guardian columnist and downtrodden husband:

“I have long maintained that the secret to being a good husband and father is taking the time to point out to one’s wife and children that they could do a whole lot worse“.

I even printed it out in coloured foil, framed it and put it in Management’s Christmas stocking a few years ago …

... from "How to be a husband"
… it’s sooo true!

… or if you prefer Homer Simpson’s take on the situation: “I won’t lie to you, fatherhood isn’t easy like motherhood” 🙂

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😎 Former scientist, now graduated to a life of leisure; Family man (which may surprise the family - it certainly surprises him); Likes cycling and old-fashioned B&W film photography; Dislikes greasy-pole-climbing 'yes men'; Thinks Afterlife (previously known as Thea Gilmore) should be much better known than she is; Values decency over achievement.

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